
From November 2016, Corinthia Hotel London will host a year-long ‘Neuroscientist in Residence’ programme.

Neuroscientist is Dr Tara Swart, senior lecturer at MIT in the United States. She will research the mental resilience of people across various business sectors to analyze how they cope with stress.

It is a world first for any hotel to undertake such a programme.

Corinthia Hotel London will launch various hotel packages designed by Dr Tara Swart to help guests build mental resilience and achieve peak brain performance.

VIP guests will be able to arrange a one-to-one taster session with Dr Tara Swart.

A series of talks for guests will also take place at Corinthia Hotel London which will showcase the Neuroscientist in Residence concept as well as look at how the science of the brain can be applied to topics such as politics, technology and business.

The data collected during the study will be published next year.


Published: 21 November 2016
Hits: 4033